Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kompon Daitou & Kongobuji

Day 10 & 11: More sites at Koyasan. First, Kompon Daitou and then the temple and gardens at Kongobuji.Unfortunately, the scratch on my camera lens was very pronounced in most of my Kompon photos. So only a few are blog worthy.

The Great Stupa (daitou) at Kompon Daitou.

More buildings at Kompon Daitou included one under restoration.

Someone said it would move if we pushed it. Lies!

Kongobuji. The garden at Kongobuji is my favorite of all the rock gardens I've seen in Japan. The whole building is surrounded by the rocks and gravel that suggest a dragon undulating through the water (or sky). In addition, the exquisitely painted screens of the building at Kongobuji tell the history of the founding of Koyasan.

Please excuse me for a moment of architectural freak-out. This beam is carved from a single piece of wood! Yes, even though it is curved and there are at least a dozen of them throughout! 

This was either a massive tree or the trees were grown to have a bend.

This tree is 1.5x my height in diameter (approx. 8 feet)

Amazing formations! And the rocks themselves are gorgeous.

Rocks and rain
 I dare anyone to say that these are just mere stones. My sister had the right idea, collecting rocks as a kid, I guess. Who knew they could look like this?

Incidentally, the beautiful painted screens had signs asking us to kindly refrain from photographing or sketching them. I didn't refrain, but my photos turned out terribly blurry. Must be some kind of karma?

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